Ideal path to retail in Russia

Our sphere of expertise lies in the introduction of unique FMCG products to Russian national retail chains (NRCs), thus opening vast opportunities and new revenue streams for both domestic and foreign suppliers. Our broad network allows us to effectively manage all interactions for a successful launch and future sales development across different product categories. Our extensive knowledge has paved a route to numerous cases of successful inter-corporate conflict resolutions.
Effective negotiation
Sales Analytics
You focus on strategy and sales
We provide a full-service solution

Under one roof

Get one-stop access to Russia’s largest national retail chains.
40 000doors nationwide

Advantages that are really worth six figures

We offer a variety of exclusive conditions for distribution.
Broad network
Time is money and we know it better than others. That is why we guarantee prompt feedback and communications. Building bridges takes a while, so it's a good thing we already took care of it! SixFigures is determined to minimise ineffective negotiations, time to shelf, language barriers and other migraine-worthy issues on your way. In our approach, we strive to exceed consumer preferences and achieve economic viability for all parties involved.
Transparent relations
We believe in partnerships that are mutually beneficial and have no secrets, hence we support a transparent approach. From commercial negotiations to logistics to shelf management, we are happy to find a compromise solution.
Reduced operational risks
A lot of things can go wrong, especially when working internationally. Living in the 21st century, we turn to technological innovations to mitigate risks in our business-processes. Preserving fruitful business relations is our goal!
Efficient logistics
Cheap & on-time delivery is almost guaranteed (excluding extenuating circumstances). SixFigures is partnered with industry-leading logistic companies throughout the country, specializing in import, export and delivery.
Exclusive bank factoring
Frozen capital can be an issue, which is why we go the extra mile to ensure our partners receive their money on time. With month-long payment deferrals from Russian NRCs being commonplace, we are able to receive up to 95% of outstanding receivables within a week after delivery to the buyer.
Professional team
Our team is focused on providing the most efficient and professional communications, having extensive experience both within retail-chains and in successful distribution companies. Check out our management page to get in touch!

Product portfolio

Nothing talks better than our success stories. Check out our diversified assortment to get a better picture of the results we can achieve. «Product portfolio»
Sweets and snacks
Wispa Chocolate Bar
Vegetables, fruits, berries
Dried Mango

News and media publications

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